Oven Description
Cooking in a convection oven differs from cooking
in a conventional deck or range oven since heated
air is constantly recirculated over the product by
a fan in an enclosed chamber. The moving air con-
tinually strips away the layer of cool air surround-
ing the product, quickly allowing the heat to pene-
trate. The result is a high quality product, cooked
at a lower temperature in a shorter amount of time.
Blodgett convection ovens represent the latest ad-
vancement in energy efficiency, reliability, and
ease of operation. Heat normally lost, is recircu-
lated within the cooking chamber before being
vented from the oven: resulting in substantial re-
ductions in energy consumption and enhanced
oven performance.
The Vertical Fired AC Series convection oven in-
corporates the latest advances in energy efficien-
cy, reliability and ease of operation. A unique com-
bination of superheated air and oven temperature
air, is accomplished by means of an induced back
draft blower wheel, which enhances oven perfor-
mance significantly. The enlarged cavity size pro-
motes improved air circulation and increased rack
Air Flow Pattern for AC-500
Direct Fired Convection Oven
Figure 1
Gas Specifications -- AC-500 gas oven
Natural Gas
Propane Gas
US Units
SI Units
US Units
SI Units
Heating Value
1000 BTU/cu. ft.
37.3 MJ/m
2550 BTU/cu. ft.
95.0 MJ/m
Specific Gravity (air=1.0)
Gas Manifold Pressure
3.5” W.C.
0.87 kPa
10” W.C.
2.49 kPa
Oven Input
70,000 BTU/hr
20.5 kW
70,000 BTU/hr
20.5 kW
Main Burner Orifice Size
46 MTD*
2.1 mm
55 MTD*
1.32 mm
NOTE: *Multiple Twist Drill