items are available for the selected country.
"Favorites" - show a list of radio stations which have been labeled as favorites.
"Search" - search for a radio station by its name. Its is possible to type whole
name or part of the name of the radio station's name you want to find. All
radio stations matching the input criterion will be displayed.
Important notice: In order to make use of the Internet radio application, you have to
be connected to the Internet via WiFi or a mobile network.
The YouTube app allows you to play freely available audiovisual content posted on
the YouTube site.
The main menu of the YouTube application has the following options:
Search - allows you to search for a video or channel.
History - a list of videos played on the device in the past.
Favorites - a list of your favorite videos and channels.
Categories - allows browsing the newest videos by different categories.
A "List of videos" is a search result, category selection result or user list (favorites,
history...). It contains the respective list of videos, selecting a video in such a list will
open a menu of options that can be done with the video.
Play from the beginning - will start the playback from the beginning.
Resume playback - will resume the video where you left the player the last
Search related videos - will take you to a list of related videos.
Go to channel - will take you to the author's channel where you can find more
videos by them.
Save to favorites - will allow you to add this video to your favorites list.
Delete from history/favorites - will erase the video from the respective list
Video Info - will show more information about the video, like the publish date
or description.
"Video playback screen" is responsible for the actual playback of the video. Long
press the screen to toggle between paused and playing state. Tal the left side of the
screen to rewind the video and tap the right side of the screen to fast-forward.
When you rewind or fast-forward the video while playing, it will skip back or forth by
ten seconds with every keypress. When paused, it will skip by a whole minute.
"Settings": "Video mode" has three options: "Portrait mode", "Landscape mode" and
"Sound only".
The portrait mode is the default, the video appears centered on your screen.
In the landscape mode, you need to hold your phone rotated by 90 degrees
clockwise, rendering the video bigger.
The sound-only option avoids downloading and displaying video data
altogether. This can help you save mobile data in case you're only interested
in the audio track.
All YouTube videos are the work of independent authors. BlindShell is not
affiliated with the YouTube platform or the content creators in any way and