be upside down. You will be notified about this situation and you can react by
rotating the object by 180 degrees.
Perform a one-finger long-press gesture or press the volume button for a short
time to capture current text for thorough recognition. If the Internet is
available, a more precise on-line recognition engine will be used. In the
thorough mode, you will be presented with a list and you can browse the text
line by line, like in any other list in BlindShell.
Object tagging
The object tagging function can help you tag and later identify objects that are
otherwise hard to tell apart by touch - like bags or boxes with spices, cosmetic and
household cleaning products, bottles, cans and so on. For this function you will need
coded tags that can be purchased separately from your BlindShell distributor.
The tags are square stickers about one and half centimeter by one one and half
centimeter. They have to be peeled of the sheet and stuck on the object you want
to tag. The tags are to be read by the phone's back camera lense. Each tag is
unique and when you tag an object, your phone will associate that tag with your
spoken or written description. Later on, when you read the tag again, the
description will be played back to you.
Tagging a new object
Pick an object you want to tag.
Peel one square tag off the sheet with tags and stick it to the object. If
possible, avoid sticking the tag on rough or curved parts of objects.
Open the tagging application and select the "Add tag" option. Periodic tapping
starts, informing you that the detection is running.
Point the camera of your phone towards the tag on your object. The
recommended distance is around 20 centimeters or 10 inches. It may take
some practice to get it right.
After the tag is read, you will be asked if you want to record or write a
description. If you choose to record, the recording will start after a beep and
will automatically finish after five seconds. If you choose to type, a standard
keyboard will appear and you will be able to input the description this way.
Identifying an object
Select the "Read tags" option from the menu, the phone will start tapping
periodically once the camera is ready for tag reading.
Point your phone camera towards the tag like when tagging a new object
Once the tag is read, the camera mode will be paused and the description will
be read back to you
Two-finger long-press will return you to the camera mode for another tag. The
description can be repeated with the two-finger tap.
Editing and deleting tags
The "List tags" option in the menu brings you to the list of your tagged objects. Here
you can edit descriptions or delete a tag that is no longer in use.
A simple app that will turn the camera's LED light on. The LED light is located on the
back side of your phone, below the camera lens.
In this section you will find some games to have fun with.