After the successful installation of the player, choose a
file in the converter program and confirm with the button
Quell-Datei abspielen
“ (
"play source file"
). It starts
the video player and plays the selected file.
The button “
“ (
"target file"
) defines the
path and name for the file. The file extension will
be denomted in any case as
*. ts
and can not be changed.
To distinguish the individual films a
name must be
False numeric declarations or unfilled required field inhibit
the start of the conversion. Incorrect filled entry fields are
highlighted in red color. The limits of the allowed values are
displayed as a tooltip when you mouse over the input field.
Now the settings for the output parameters of the
conversion follows. A detailed overview of the range and
standard information can be found in the glossary
chapter 9.5
When converting SD content to HD content, the picture
information is extended. The quality can't be compared
with original HD content.
configuring the path for post-processing it is not possible to optimize the transport stream file. The check boxes
Null-Pakete komprimieren
“ (
"pack null packets"
) and “
Vermeidung von Continue-
“ (
"avoid continue-count-errors"
) remain inactive.
9.4 Fault prevention
• If you want to a create HD video from SD material there are qualitative degradation because data is added that isn't
contained in the original contnet.
• Provider name, service name, and original network ID are system dependent. they act as an assignment in the net
• To avoid fatal disturbances in the network, the elementary stream ID must be unique throughout the network.
9.5 Glossary - parameter declaration [min. … max. range]
[freely selectable]
(provider name)
[freely selectable]
(service name)
Original Network-Id [0 … 65.536]
(original network ID)
Elementarstrom-Id [256 … 8.191]
(elementary stream ID)
[0 … 65.536]
(service ID)
PMT Start-Pid
[4.096 … 8.191]
(PMT start PID)
TS Start-Pid
[0 … 65.536]
(TS start PID)
This switch enables the compression of null packets in the transport stream. Thus, a significant reduction in file size is achieved especially for files
that have a big difference between video and transport stream bit rate. However, the resulting files are not compatible with conventional software
programs.These compressed files are used only by compatible modules of
This switch activates a function which suppresses the conversion resulting from the continue count errors due to the different buffer
models. It is strongly recommended to enable this option in order to achieve optimal results.
SD, HD 720. HD 1080
4:3, 16:9, 24:10
(aspect ratio)
Null-Pakete komprimieren
yes, no
(compress null packets)
Vermeidung von Continue-Count-Fehlern
yes, no
(avoid continue count errors)