Green Water
Settlement test the water to ensure that there is no sediment suspended in the water. If there is
follow the brown cloudy water trouble shooting guide.
At dusk check that the UVC light is illuminated by removing the spray bar and holding a piece of
paper up to the UVC and looking for the reflected pale blue UVC light. Turning the lamp on and
off may aid visual identification. (Ensure the UVC lamp is not more than 6 months old).
The UVC may be working effectively but the foams are too clean and are unable to remove the
fine coagulated waste. Treat the pond with Blagdon Clear Pond and do not clean the foams until
the foam chamber starts to overflow into the carbon wool chamber.
The flow rate of the pump exceeds the maximum flow rate that the UVC is able to handle. Check
the filter specification chart and reduce the pump flow rate if needed. It is possible to purchase a
optional Blagdon 1" flow control valve that may be fitted inline between the pump and the filter to
control the flow rate. See getting to know your filter diagram and parts codes.
The filter is too small for the pond, check the filter selection chart.
The UVC quartz sleeve is dirty or coated in lime scale. Gently remove the quartz sleeve and clean
in Blagdon pond pump cleaner.
Follow all cloudy water trouble shooting points.
UVC Light Not Illuminated
Check all fuses / RCD and electrical connections follow electrical installation (pages 7-8).
Poor flow into the filter or out of the filter
Inspect and clean your pond pump, check that it is in good working order.
Check foams and filter pads, clean as per routine maintenance if blocked.
Always use the minimum length of inlet or outlet hose needed as this will reduce back pressure
due to friction.
Ensure that the inlet hose connecter has been cut correctly to size, if not this will restrict the flow
from the pump into the filter see diagram page 5.
Ensure that the inlet hose is not kinked or crushed.
Ensure that the outlet hose is under 1m in length at that there is a drop of 15cm over this distance,
ensure that it is not kinked crushed or has a sharp bend as this will stop the filter draining correctly.
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14/07/2017 17:00