Polymer wool and carbon cartridge
When the cartridge chamber fills with water and starts to overflow into the outlet chamber the
cartridge should be cleaned or replaced.
The Polymer wool pad may be washed a limited number of times before it starts to lose efficiency
and blocks rapidly.
The Carbon Foam pad contains activated carbon particles that remove colorants and chemical
pollutants from your pond water. After six weeks the activated carbon pad must be replaced as
the carbon becomes full with pollutants and will be unable to absorb more from the pond water.
Blagdon Polymer wool and carbon foam packs are the correct replacement media for your
Minipond Filter and are quick and easy to replace. see Blagdon section in store (see diagram on
page 8 and codes/descriptions on page 2).
Annual Maintenance
Check for wear
Once a year you should dismantle your Minipond filter. Dismantle the filter examining all the parts for
wear or damage, replacing any parts show obvious signs of wear or damage. (see getting to know
your Minipond filter for replacement codes and parts descriptions on page 2).
Replacing foams
After prolonged use and cleaning the filter foams will become damaged. This can be identified by
their inability to return quickly into shape after cleaning.
Replacement of the foams is recommended.
Winter Storage
The filter can be run year round if the pump flow is maintained, this is the best option. Alternatively in
winter the filter may be switched off. Follow annual maintenance procedure and store frost-free in the
house or garage until spring.
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