For permanent installations to the mains supply, it is necessary to conform to the regulations of the local
electricity authority and this would include the use of a metal or plastic conduit to protect the cable.
Attention has been drawn to the fact that special rules may exist concerning the installation of your
pond UVC (i.e. local building regulations).
This UVC must not be used in swimming pools, or areas where people are in contact with the water.
Always disconnect the mains electricity supply whilst the equipment is being installed, repaired,
maintained or handled. Consult a qualified electrician if in any doubt about wiring this product
to the mains supply.
Your Minipond filter has been designed to need a minimum of
When the filter system is first installed filter cleaning may be increased
for a period until the back log of accumulated pond waste is removed.
Please note all electrical work on garden lighting and power installations must
comply with part P of the building regulations. Failure to comply is a criminal offence. If the
installation of this product is not carried out by a competent electrician who is registered under
the Part P self-certification scheme then you must notify the local building control department
before work begins. For further information and guidance on this matter and other electrical
installations in your home that might be covered by the relevant legislation, contact your local
authorities building control department.
UVC Warning: Caution: Dangerous Ultra Violet Radiation. The rays from the
UVC lamp are harmful to eyes and skin.
Always turn off UVC electrical supply before any maintenance.
To protect unit from flooding, leave a minimum 5cm showing above ground level
to protect UVC electrics.
Never immerse unit in water.
Locate unit 1m minimum from pond edge to ensure the filter cannot fall in.
Filter Cleaning
Large hinged lid allows easy access for viewing and removal of
filter media for cleaning.
Polymer wool and carbon pads can be removed and replaced
by pulling out cartridge.
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14/07/2017 17:00