STRENGTH Exercises
Deep Squat
Wide Stance Squat
Stand on the platform with feet shoulder width apart.
Keeping your back straight and knees slightly bent,
gently squeeze your leg muscles. You should feel
tension in your quadriceps, buttocks and back.
Stand on the platform with feet flat your shoulder
width apart. Keeping your knees directly above the
feet at a 100 degree angle, gently bend your legs
and squeeze your leg muscles. Keeping your back
straight, bend the upper body forward. This
exercise aims to strengthen the back, buttocks and
Place one foot in the middle of the platform and step
back with the other planting it firmly on the ground
behind you. Keeping your back straight and your
knees directly above your toes, squeeze your leg
muscles. You should feel tension in your hamstrings,
quadriceps and buttocks
Stand on the platform with your legs wide apart and
toes turned outward. Keeping your knees directly
above your feet at a 100 degree angle, gently bend
your legs. You should feel tension in your back,
buttocks, quadriceps and inner thigh area