If you set a station’s timeout for zero, the timeout becomes “instant”: The
keyboards of two stations each set for a zero timeout and connected to the same
CPU will appear to be sending data to the CPU simultaneously, because keystrokes
from either one will be accepted at any time. If you set a station’s timeout to 255,
the timeout becomes “infinite” (that is, the timeout is disabled): Any CPU
controlled by the keyboard on that station will not be released until either (a) the
user on that keyboard switches or is switched to another CPU, or (b) you change
the keyboard timeout of the
The factory-default keyboard-timeout setting for each station is two seconds. To
set a different interval for a given station, first select that station (see the Note on
the previous page), then press and release the left Control Key, type [H], type in
the new keyboard-timeout interval in seconds, and press [Enter]. Then issue the
Keep Settings command to save the setting.
For example, to change the keyboard timeout on your instructor station (the
System Control Module) to 30 seconds, make sure you have your own station
selected, then type in [Ctrl][H][3][0][Enter], then type in [Ctrl][K][Enter]. Or,
to change the keyboard timeout on station 4 to 15 seconds, connect to station 4
with any of the station-selection commands—for example, View Station 4
([Ctrl][F1][F4])—then type in [Ctrl][H][1][5][Enter], then type in