6.2 Host Port Initialization
After shared printing, the Laser Card reconfigures the printer according to the
active configuration settings. If you want to further modify the printer
configuration (for example, select a different font for all host printing) take
advantage of the host port initialization string. The Host Port Initialization String
is not sent to the printer until after the interface has reconfigured the printer for
host printing. The Initialization String is sent at the beginning of each printed
6.3 Host Printing
With the Laser Card installed, your printer emulates the IBM 3812-1. The IBM
3812-1 printer is a laser-type printer which provides font-changing capability, plus
text rotation and compression features called Automatic Print Orientation (APO)
and Computer Output Reduction (COR).
The Laser Card’s emulation of the 3812 provides bolding, underlining,
superscripts and subscripts by recognizing the host commands for these features in
the document. A shadow print for bolding is performed automatically on fixed-
pitch fonts. For proportionally spaced (typographic) fonts, the user must specify
the font that is to be printed.
Like an IBM 5219 printer, the 3812 printer is configured with a default font ID
on the host. Configure the most commonly used font as the system default, then
change as necessary with a printer override or OCL command.
The table below shows which fonts can be used as system defaults for a
System/36 or System/38 host.
6.4 Font Change Commands
You can place font change commands within the text of a word processing or data
processing document to select a font other than the default font. The commands
appear on the screen but do not print. The font change takes effect immediately
and continues until the next font change. See the Font (FGID) Reference chart in
Appendix A for a list of font IDs.
To change fonts, use the following format to type in a font change command.
where ¬ is a “logical not” or alternately the caret “^” symbol, Q indicates a font
change, and 2304 is the font ID.