Print data received from the host or printed by a local print function will be formatted by the values set
in the Printer Options menu (e.g. Column Width, Lines Per Page, Single spacing). The A/S-4 is capable
of having numerous printer options changed while communicating with a host program. When the
printer is an LU type 3, the only change possible from the program is the number of characters printed
per line. This is defined in the write control character (WCC) of the printer message. For an LU type 1,
many changes are possible by the use of SNA Character String (SCS) control codes described below:
a. Set Horizontal Format (SHF) command defines the maximum presentation position (MPP),
the left margin (LM), right margin (RM) and up to six horizontal tab stops for a page of
print. At the present time, the only value passed on to the printer by the A/S-4 is the MPP
(column width) and is done so by the use of the FORMS commands set up in the Printer
Options menu. When the SHF is received, the new values override any default values set by
the printer option menu and the new forms value is then sent to the printer. If the Start
Char-FORMS is disabled, the new values are not sent to the printer.
The following is an example of setting the printer for a 80 column page:
ESC, F, 8, 0 - OKI Microline 83A command to set 80 column page
Printer Options Menu settings:
G-Start Char-FORMS=ESC F
H-Multiple - (`xxx’ X inches)-xxx=001
I-Separator Char=CTL @
J-Final Char=CTL @
b. Set Vertical Format (SVF) command defines the maximum presentation line (MPL), top
margin (TM), bottom margin (BM) and up to six vertical tab stops for a page of print. At the
present time the only value passed on to the printer by the A/S-4 is the MPL (lines per page)
and is done so by the use of the Forms commands set up in the Printer Options menu. When
the SVF is received the new values overrides any default values set by the printer option menu
and the new forms value is sent to the printer. If the Start Char-FORMS is disabled, the new
values are not sent to the printer.
The following is an example of setting the printers page length of 11 inches.
ESC,[,7920r - GENICOM 3000 command to set 11 inch page
Printer Options Menu settings:
G-Start Char-FORMS=ESC [
H-Multiple - (`xxx’ X inches)-xxx=720
I-Separator Char=CTL @
J-Final Char=r
c. Set Line Density (SLD) specifies the (LPI) distance to be moved for a single line (vertical
spacing), as in NL or LF. When the SLD is received the new value overrides any default lines
per inch (LPI) value set by the printer options menu and the new LPI value is then sent to the
printer. If the Start Char-DENSITY is disabled, the new values are not sent to the printer.