CHAPTER 1:General Information
The A/S-4 is a 3274 work-alike controller emulating a PU2 with one LU2 terminal and one LU1 or LU3
printer. This allows an ASCII terminal or micro computer to emulate a 3278 CRT with a 3278 printer.
The A/S-4 will also emulate SNA/SDLC 3776 or 3777 work station with one LU1 console, printer, card
reader, card punch, or disk. It should be noted here that for purposes of simplicity this manual refers to
CRTs and PCs with the generic acronym VDU: Visual Display Unit.
Either port may be configured as data terminal equipment (DTE) or data communications equipment
(DCE). This gives the system designer great flexibility in determining what type devices he will use and
where the A/S-4 can be installed.
The A/S-4 is designed to ease installation by the end user. Most of A/S-4’s operating parameters
(address, baud rate, ID, word structure, video display type) are “SOFT.” They may be changed from the
keyboard using “Friendly” menus to step you through the set up procedure. Once programmed, the
A/S-4 retains its settings in non-volatile memory until changed by the user.