CHAPTER 6: Power Up and Configuration Menu Options
6.10 Changing Application
The A/S-4 is shipped from the factory to power up in the SDLC/SNA 3274/76 Interactive mode of
operation. The current mode of operation can be determined by looking at the top of the main menu,
as in Figure 14 (it is Interactive). To change to Batch operation, the operator types the letter G in
response to the main menu. The main menu will then be redisplayed with “SDLC/SNA 3776/7 Batch”
at the current application location on the main menu. To go back to interactive, type G again. The
current mode of operation is protected in non-volatile RAM, so that on power up it will return to the last
operating state.
6.11 Changing Application Options
Selection of item H from the main menu will cause the menu shown in Figure 15 or 16 to be displayed.
The A/S-4 is shipped from the factory to power up in the SDLC/SNA 3274/76 Interactive mode of
operation. Selection of item H from the menu shown in Figure 2 will cause the menu shown in Figure
15 to be displayed.
Figure 16 shows the application options for the A/S-4 when selected to run in the SDLC/SNA 3776/77
Batch mode.
Application = SDLC/SNA 3274/76 Interactive
VDU = ANSI STD; DEC VT100; Teletype 5410, 5420; Televideo 970,960
Keyboard - STANDARD
Change: Application Options
A-Exit B-XID=018085B8
C-PU Addr=F7
D-SDLC Baud Rate=1200
F-VDU LU Addr-02
G-PRT LU Addr=03
H-PRT LU Type=03
Enter Letter:
Figure 15