Addr.: Unit 704, No. A3 Building, Tel: +86-592-6211770
Software Park, Xiamen, China 361000 Fax: +86-592-6211727
7O1 (7 Databit, Odd Parity, 1 Stopbit)
7E1 (8 Databit, Even Parity, 1 Stopbit)
7N1 (7 Databit, No Parity, 1 Stopbit)
4.3.7 Frame Interval (Unit: Millisecond)
When IP Modem receives packet slicing, increase the value, while for packet merging,
lower the value, 20ms for 115200 baud rate, 50ms for 9600 baud rate and 200ms for 1200
baud rate.
4.3.8 Trigger Settings
1) Trigger Type
AUTO: Always online
SMSD: SMS trigger mode, sending specific SMS to trigger TD210 online.
CTRL: Make call to trigger TD210 online.
Sending specific data to trigger TD210 online or offline.
MIXD: Support SMSD, CTRL and DATA trigger mode, you can use any of them to trigger
2) Call Trigger Phone NO.
You can add a phone number in the blank, once the trigger mode is CTRL or MIXD, and
TD210 receives the call from this number, it will get online.