The gaging table can be filled during the process of gaging. The
first column contains the fuel level value, and the second column
contains the appropriate fuel volume (litres). Using the button
, the data can be manually entered to the table, and the
existing entries can be edited or deleted. The data in the table are
automatically sorted in level values ascending order.
The gaging curve is available to analyse using the graph on the
tab "Schedule of gaging table".
In addition, the data to the gaging table can be entered directly
from the Field of current values. To do this, specify either the
volume of fuel in the tank at the current level (cell "Current
volume, litres"), or the volume of last filling (cell "Recent filling,
litres"). You can use only one way and only one of two cells will be
Use the button
to enter the data from the Current values field
to the gaging table. If the data are not stabilized (see clause 9),
the button will be yellow. If the data are stabilized, the button will
be green.
When the gaging process is ended, the gaging table can be saved
to a text file by pressing the button
We also recommend that you set the level of data filtering (see
clause 8) according to the vehicle operation mode.
Press the button
(disconnection from the COM port) to stop
properly the operation with a gauge, (see clause 3).
You may calibrate only after cutting the measure probe to required
Do not immerse the gauge within the measured liquid prior to
calibration. By all means, set 500 in the Set a value of an empty tank
Preparation for installation
Switch off the vehicle power supply.
Before installation, the tanks for flammable substances shall be
emptied and cleaned by steaming. If possible, clean to remove
accumulated sediment and debris.
Select a place as close as possible to the geometric centre of the
top of the tank (at the intersection of two diagonals). In addition, when