Provides custom control for each cleaning job.
1. Lift the Sm artMix
concentrate bottle up out of the
m achine base.
2. Flip the bottle over so that the valve cap is in an
upward position.
3. Unscrew the valve cap and fill the bottle to the m ark with
BISSELL Fiber Cleansing Form ula.
4. Replace the valve cap turning until snug.
5. Replace Sm artMix
concentrate bottle.
6. Choose the Sm artMix
setting that fits the cleaning job.
Water Only
– use for gentle cleaning or for the final
rinse after cleaning.
Nor mal
– autom atically provides the best m ix of
water and concentrate for m ost cleaning jobs.
High Tr affic
– autom atically m ixes the right am ounts
of water and concentrate to dissolve tough grim e and
heavy soil.
Switc h
Deep c leaning
stairs and high
traffic areas on
a regular basis
c an prolong
c arpet life.
The Basics - continued
Be extr a car eful when
cleaning stair s.