Approximately every 6 months, the pH Probe should
be calibrated to ensure that the readout is correct.
Calibration is simply the process of placing the pH
Probe into a solution of known pH, and adjusting the
readout to that value.
Calibration frequency is dependent on how many
hours per day the pH Probe has water rushing past it.
The pH BOSS measures the operating hours each
day, and will display a calibration reminder message
when calibration is due.
1. Prepare for pH BOSS for Calibration
If you are using a Bionizer to control the power to
your pool pump and pH BOSS, unplug the pool
pump from the Bionizer Control Unit.
Leave the pH BOSS connected to the Bionizer.
(If you are powering the pH BOSS and Pool Pump
from an external power source, please ensure that
the pool pump is switched off and unplugged
during the entire calibration procedure.)
(Connect the pH BOSS to a power outlet socket,
but do not switch on yet.)
2. Prepare pH7.0 Calibration Buffer
3. Remove the pH Probe from the Tee
Unplug the pH Probe from the pH BOSS first. (This
will avoid the cable getting twisted when the pH
Probe is unscrewed. U n s c r e w t h e p r o b e
completely from the Tee.
Reconnect the pH Probe connector to the pH
Rinse the probe well in clean water. De-ionized or
distilled water is ideal, but tap water will suffice.
4. Place pH Probe into pH7.0 Buffer
5. Calibration Procedure
Switch the pH BOSS power on. If it is connected to
a Bionizer, set the Bionizer to Manual:On mode to
switch on the power outlet.
Press the
button to bypass the start-up
screen delay.
Press the
button until the pH
Calibration screen is displayed, as per the example
below. The “Pool pH” reading may be 7.0 or
another value, depending on the condition of the
pH Probe and current calibration setting.
When the reading is stable, press the
buttons until the Pool pH reading is exactly 7.0.
Press the
button again to lock in
the re-calibrated probe’s setting.
There are TWO bags of
salt crystals inside the
pH7.0 Sachet. Empty
B O T H b a g s o f t h o s e
c r y s t a l s i n t o t h e
calibration jar (see picture
on the right).
Fill the Buffer Jar to the
250mL mark with distilled
water. Filtered tap water
can also be used.
Replace both the seal and
the lid, then shake well for
1 minute to ensure that
t h e s a l t s a r e f u l l y
Place the pH Probe into pH7.0
Buffer, immersing to a depth of
at least 25mm.
Leave the pH Probe in this
pH7.0 Buffer for at least 10
seconds before proceeding
with the calibration steps
Approximately every 6 months, the pH Probe should
be calibrated to ensure that the readout is correct.
Calibration is simply the process of placing the pH
Probe into a solution of known pH, and adjusting the
readout to that value.
Calibration frequency is dependent on how many
hours per day the pH Probe has water rushing past it.
The pH BOSS measures the operating hours each
day, and will display a calibration reminder message
when calibration is due.
1. Prepare for pH BOSS for Calibration
If you are using a Bionizer to control the power to
your pool pump and pH BOSS, unplug the pool
pump from the Bionizer Control Unit.
Leave the pH BOSS connected to the Bionizer.
(If you are powering the pH BOSS and Pool Pump
from an external power source, please ensure that
the pool pump is switched off and unplugged
during the entire calibration procedure.)
(Connect the pH BOSS to a power outlet socket,
but do not switch on yet.)
2. Prepare pH7.0 Calibration Buffer
3. Remove the pH Probe from the Tee
Unplug the pH Probe from the pH BOSS first. (This
will avoid the cable getting twisted when the pH
Probe is unscrewed. U n s c r e w t h e p r o b e
completely from the Tee.
Reconnect the pH Probe connector to the pH
Rinse the probe well in clean water. De-ionized or
distilled water is ideal, but tap water will suffice.
4. Place pH Probe into pH7.0 Buffer
5. Calibration Procedure
Switch the pH BOSS power on. If it is connected to
a Bionizer, set the Bionizer to Manual:On mode to
switch on the power outlet.
Press the
button to bypass the start-up
screen delay.
Press the
button until the pH
Calibration screen is displayed, as per the example
below. The “Pool pH” reading may be 7.0 or
another value, depending on the condition of the
pH Probe and current calibration setting.
When the reading is stable, press the
buttons until the Pool pH reading is exactly 7.0.
Press the
button again to lock in
the re-calibrated probe’s setting.