Technical Information
Data Capture
Up to 6 different filter sets and sensitivities per
scan; maximum of 300 scans (1800 repeat reads
of the plate); wait time of up to 9999 seconds
between each read of a plate
Kinetic Speed
30 seconds/plate, using Rapid Mode
4-6 seconds/column (depending on computer
speed), using Rapid Mode
5-10 reads/second/filter set, using Fast Kinetic
1 read/3 seconds/2 filter sets, using Fast Kinetic
End Point Speed
48 seconds/plate including in and out time using
rapid mode, in fluorescence.
Static Mode
The probe will remain stationary under a well 0.1,
0.35, 0.5, or 2 seconds before taking a reading. A
single sample can be taken or 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50,
or 100 readings that are averaged. Time between
samples can range from 10 ms to 2550 ms.
Plate Shaker
The plate may be shaken at three settings for a
period of 1 to 255 seconds. The settings are:
25 Hz
0.6 mm travel
Medium 17 Hz
0.9 mm travel
12.5 Hz
1.2 mm travel