This chapter introduces the Bio-Tek FL600 Fluorescence
Plate Reader. You'll find information on hardware and
software requirements and optional equipment
Thank you for selecting the Bio-Tek FL600. The FL600 is a powerful
fluorescence and absorbance measurement system which measures
through the use of a photomultiplier tube housed inside of a light-
impermeable detection compartment. The FL600 is capable of quantifying
both soluble and cell-associated fluorescence. The system consists of:
The Bio-Tek FL600 Fluorescence Plate Reader
KC4™ reader control and data reduction software
FL600 System Software for diagnostics
Accessories Kit
Serial Communications Cable (P/N 75034)
Both software packages are for Windows-based PCs and provides the user
with full command of the operation of the X-Y scanner. FL600’s precision
X-Y mechanism scans a microplate with a sensitive optical detection
system to quantify the fluorescence or absorbance in each well.