Now press Select and the negative sign will be displayed in front of 0.500.
Press Enter again and now define the upper limit. The upper limit must be a positive
After the scan data are printed, or if you choose not to print the scan data, you are next
offered the opportunity to download the data via the serial port to a computer.
If you want to download the data to a computer via the serial port, make sure the
proper connections are made and press Enter. If you do not want to download the
data, press Cancel. After the data are downloaded, or after you press Cancel, the
instrument will reset for the next scan and the Ready screen will be displayed.
Press the right arrow key to see the available options. You can change the number of
repetitions (for fast scans), change the range, choose a background, define a subre-
gion of interest and choose smoothing of the curve.
Press 4 to choose regions. You will be prompted for the number of regions and then
the limits for each region. When the data are printed, the local minimum and maxi-
mum in each region are printed.
Smoothing will take a running average of five consecutive data points, two on either
side of the current wavelength, and plot those. For example, the absorbances at 455,
456, 457, 458, and 459 nm are averaged and plotted at 457 nm. Then the absorbances
at 456, 457, 458, 459, and 460 are averaged and plotted at 458 nm.
After the data are printed, you can go back to the Ready screen and turn on or off
the smoothing feature and then plot the same data again. First go to the Ready screen, choose
Options, reset the Smoothing and then press Print.
D. Kinetics. Immediately after the data are collected, you will be asked if you want to
print the data
Press Print to print the report. If you do not wish to print the report, press Cancel. In
either case, you will next be offered the chance to download the data into a computer
via the serial port.
Min AU scale: +/-
Max AU scale:
Press <Enter> when ready
to accept serial data.
1. Repetitions
3. Background
4. Regions
5. Smooth
<= Back, Cancel to return
Ready to Read Absorbance
<=Exit Assay >=Options
Press <Print> for
kinetics report.
Press <Enter> when ready
to accept serial data.