SmartSpec 3000 will automatically read one or more
wavelengths depending on the type of assay specified
(Bradford, Lowry, BCA or UV Protein) or the user can
specify a wavelength. SmartSpec 3000 will convert
absorbance data to concentration by use of a standard
curve, except for the case of UV Protein in which the
absorbance readings are multiplied by user-selectable
constants. The standard curve can be one recalled from
memory, or a new one constructed by SmartSpec 3000.
SmartSpec 3000 will collect and print the absorbance
of a sample over a user-defined range of wavelengths.
An optional background wavelength may be specified
and its absorbance will be subtracted from all
absorbances in the scan range before the scan is
displayed. SmartSpec 3000 will identify and quantitate
the points of maximum and minimum absorbance over
the scanned range. These data can be printed or
downloaded via the serial port to an external computer.
SmartSpec 3000 will collect data from a single cuvette
at fixed periodic intervals over a certain time period.
Both the interval of data collection and length of data
collection are specified by the user. An optional
background wavelength may be specified. The kinetic
readings may be printed or exported to external software
for analysis.
SmartSpec 3000 will collect absorbance data at 600 nm.
This assay is used for monitoring the growth of bacterial
cultures. The user may specify a conversion factor which
is multiplied by the dilution factor and the absorbance to
calculate the concentration in cells per ml.
SmartSpec 3000 will collect data at up to three different
user-specified wavelengths. An optional background
wavelength may also be specified and its absorbance
will be subtracted from the other wavelengths before
they are reported.
Read Blank
SmartSpec 3000 will zero the detector in preparation for
reading samples. It is important to zero the instrument at
each new assay. Insert a cuvette that contains all assay
components except the analyte and press Read Blank.
Read Sample
SmartSpec 3000 will collect absorbance data from the
cuvette in the instrument.
Used to toggle between or among choices. Once the
choice is made, its selection is confirmed by pressing
Indicates to SmartSpec 3000 that a choice has been