The plate detaches from the
pressure chamber when the
chamber is moved
Insufficient and/or non-uniform
heating of the plates
Excessive plate heating
It takes time to heat the plate to
the ideal point (more than 1
Difficulty locking round plates in
the pressure chamber using the
locking ring
Difficulty turning the pressure
chamber lock knob to close the
pressure chamber
Insufficient lamination or no
defined contours
Plate locking ring out of
Short plate warm-up time
Heating unit out of position
Supply voltage too low.
Laminator model 220V wrongly
connected to a socket with a
voltage of 127V
Long plate warm-up time
Laminator model 127V wrongly
connected to a socket with a
voltage of 220V
Supply voltage too low.
Laminator model 220V wrongly
connected to a socket with a
voltage of 127V
Card storage temperature too
Round plate wrongly centered
in the pressure chamber before
being locked by the locking ring
Pressure chamber is misplaced
in laminator cabinet cover
Round plate wrongly centered
in the pressure chamber before
being locked by the locking ring
Compressed air network
pressure too low
Insufficient plate heating
Air leakage
Use of thick plates with low air
network pressures
Turn the plate lock ring fully to
the left (clockwise)
Increase plate warm-up time
Position heating unit correctly
above the plate
Check the power supply voltage
level of the socket
Connect the laminator to an
outlet with voltage suitable for
your model
Decrease plate warm-up time
Connect the laminator to an
outlet with voltage suitable for
your model
Check the power supply voltage
level of the socket
Connect the laminator to an
outlet with voltage suitable for
your model
Leave the plate previously at
room temperature before use.
Correctly center the round plate
in the pressure chamber before
locking it by the locking ring
Center the pressure chamber
correctly and press it down to
facilitate its locking.
Correctly center the round plate
in the pressure chamber before
locking it by the locking ring
Check the situation of the air
compressor and its regulating
Increase plate warm-up time
Check that the plate is correctly
fixed and that there are no faults
in the air connections
Increase the pressure of the
compressed air network, without
exceeding the max. laminator
usage pressure