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DualDrive Hub
6. Reattaching Click Box
To reattach your click box
to the axle, first ensure the
black button is all the way
down, flush with the top as
in Figure 3. If you cannot
get the button down, it is
because the shift cable pulled
the small black shifting fork
(circled in Figure 6 and 6a)
out of its proper position.
This can happen when the
click box hangs by the shift
cable. First, make certain the
shift cable housing is prop-
erly seated at the shift lever,
any cable stops, and in the
click box barrel adjuster.
Next, to get the button down,
push the fork tip down
toward the hole in the box with your finger while applying pres-
sure to the black button. You may need to keep your finger on this
button to keep it from popping up from cable movement.
Fig. 6 Shifting fork down, button down.
Fig. 6a Shifting fork up, button stuck.
7. Mount Click Box
With the button down, place
the click box over the axle
as far as it will go, and then
press the black button up.
Your click box is now prop-
erly connected. With very
gentle tugging, you should
only feel slight spring-like
Fig. 7 Place over axle end.
Fig. 7a Button up (connected again).