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Assembly: Install Front Wheel
22. Install Front Wheel
Now install the front wheel.
Make certain the wheel is
fully seated in the fork drop
outs, and securely close the
quick release as illustrated in
the quick release safety sec-
tion. If you have a side-pull
brake, close the small lever
on the brake caliper at this
Fig. 22 Install front wheel.
24. Close LV-Brake
Close the linear pull brake in
the reverse order of opening
it. Press both arms together
(A), and insert the noodle (B)
into the noodle holder (C).
The end of the noodle has a
bullet shaped tip that should
be inside the holder, but just
sticking through the cable
Fig. 24 Close V-brake.
23. Reconnect Linear Pull
If you have a linear pull
brake, before closing it check
to make certain that the hous-
ing is properly seated into its
ferrules at both ends. With
the brake open, the housing
can slip to the side and keep
the brake from closing prop-
erly. Common places to check are the brake lever barrel adjuster
(top), and where the housing enters the noodle (bottom).
Fig. 23 Check housing for seating.