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Combustion chamber panels
: mineral fibres
Known hazards
- Some people can suffer reddening and itching of the skin. Fibre entry into
the eye will cause foreign body irritation, which can cause severe irritation to people wearing
contact lenses. Irritation to respiratory tract.
- Dust goggles will protect eyes. People with a history of skin complaints may
be particularly susceptible to irritation. High dust levels are only likely to arise following harsh
abrasion. In general, normal handling and use will not present high risk, follow good hygiene
practices, wash hands before, touching eyes, consuming food, drinking or using the toilet.
First aid
- Medical attention must be sought following eye contact or prolonged reddening of
the skin.
Thermostat / Temperature gauge
- Sealed phial and capillary containing liquid.
Known hazards
- irritating to skin, eyes and throat. Vapour is harmful. Inflammable -do not
extinguish with water.
- Do not incinerate. Avoid contact with broken/leaking phials. Do not purposely
First aid
- medical attention must be sought following eyes/skin contact, wash with clean
Sharp Edges
Caution should be taken when handling the boiler to avoid sharp edges on the boiler.
Boiler installation and commissioning tips
The installation
must be carried out by a qualified Gas Safety Registered Engineer
who will be responsible for observing the current Regulations and the completion of the
Benchmark Gas Boiler System Commissioning Checklist, located at the back of this User