To install the upper infeed hopper on the shredder, follow the
instructions below:
Turn the 4 fixations screws (SW 15) on the upper side of the hopper
to make the threaded end of the screws advance by 2-3 turns in their
respective holes.
Set the hopper on the shredder so to snap the 4
screws in the recesses on the machine side flanks. The lug with a star
knob must be located opposite to the side spout. Make sure that the
threaded rod is inserted into the bracket of the safety switch.
ten all 4 fixations screws (see figure 3)
while checking that the hop-
per keeps firmly in position on the shredder and that no gap is formed
between the upper hopper and the side flanks.
Now turn the threaded rod located on one side of the hopper to insert
it in the contact retainer of the side spout (see figure 4) and, there-
fore, to close the safety contact. Failure to sufficiently and complete-
ly turning the rod, will prevent successful starting of the shredder. Do
not move the locknuts of the threaded rod. If the nuts are excessively
tight against the thread and the star knob is further turned and inser-
ted in the contact, the safety switch might get damaged.
turning the nuts in the opposite direction, may prevent the threaded
rod to reach into the contact and therefore efficient starting of the ma-
5.2 About electric powered shredders
Plug the shredder and connect power. Three-phase, 400V mo-
tor versions should be powered using a power cord of at least
1,5mm² section. Unusually long power cords or cord extensions
should have a wider section (5x2,5 mm²). If you don’t feel famili-
ar with phase changing ask a licensed electrician to help you out.
Before pressing the green on-switch and starting to work, quickly switch
the 400V motor on and off to check that rotation is performed in the di-
rection shown by the arrow on the motor casing. Should rotation be per-
formed in the opposite direction, immediately stop the motor and use a
phase inverter to switch the polarity in the plug of main power cord using
a phase changer. bPress down the insulating disc inside the plug using a
screwdriver and then turn it by 180°. (see figure „Phase inverter “).
5.3 Operating gasoline/engine driven machines
Perform maintenance, cleaning and repairs of gasoline engine
in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
Gasoline shredders are equipped with centrifugal clutch in order to
greatly facilitate starting of the engine.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Phase inverter