– Installation Instructions
Rev. D 1208
51719 pg. 4
When reinstalling Speak-
er Pods, be careful not to
pinch the wires between
the edge of the Speaker Pod and the Sport Bar.
If your vehicle has a cover over the Center Sport
Bar, unzip the cover to access the bar.
Locate the Main Pivot Brackets in the parts kit.
Orient the brackets with the tab toward the top and
the rear of the vehicle. Align the holes in the bracket
with the holes in the bar and install the bracket us-
ing two M6 Hex Screws for each bracket.
Stretch the cover around the bar and slip the open-
ings in the cover over the tabs on the Main Pivot
Brackets. Zip the cover closed.
Sport Bar
Main Pivot Bracket
M6 Hex
These M6 screws have special threads
which will self-tap into non-threaded
holes as well as provide a tight, vibration resistant
attachment in pre-threaded holes.
Install Main Pivot Brackets
Locate the parts of the Right and Left Rear Bow
Brackets in the parts kit. Each bracket has two
pieces which are stamped R (right) and L (left).
Match rights and lefts.
If your vehicle has a cover over the Rear Sport Bar
Legs, unzip the cover to access the bar.
You will have to slip the parts of the Rear Bow
Brackets between the impact foam and the rear
sport bars. To do this, slip the Inboard half of the
bracket under the foam and around the sport bar
until the slot in the rear of the bracket is exposed
on the opposite side. Hook the tab on the Outboard
half into the slot and rotate the two pieces into posi-
tion so that the tab on the bracket hooks into the
rear opening of the seat belt cylinder.
If you have a Sport Bar Cover, wrap the cover
around the bar and mark the location of the tabs on
the Rear Bow Brackets. Cut openings in the cover
for the tabs. Slip the new openings in the cover
over the metal tabs and zip the cover closed.
Locate the Rear Bow Bracket Bumpers in the parts
kit and slip them over the two top tabs in each
bracket. Install a 10-32 x 1/2" Screw and a 10-32
Lock Nut through the bumpers and bracket.
Install Rear Bow Brackets
Use pliers to squeeze the top tabs, if
necessary, to align the holes and im-
prove ease of installation of the Bracket Bumpers.
Rear Sport Bar
Rear Seat Belt
Cylinder Opening
Rear Bow
10-32 x 1/2"
Driver's Side Shown
Rear Bow
Bracket Bumper
10-32 Lock
Hook tab on Outboard
half into slot in Inboard
Impact Foam
Impact Foam
Slide Bracket under
Impact Foam