There’s More To Vision Than Meets The Eye
Most people think that vision is eyesight. But your eyes are more than mere organs of sight. They are
actual extensions of the brain responsible for approximately 90 percent of the information that you take in
during your lifetime. In fact, of the three billion messages sent to your brain each second, two billion come
directly from your eyes and many of the others come from information derived through your eyes.
Everyone knows that exercise increases speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, and performance, but
very few people know that training your eyes might be the most important enhancement program that you
can ever do. You see, the eyes guide every move you make. So when you train your eyes, you directly
train the brain to respond faster, more accurately and more efficiently-ultimately translating into better
performance on all levels.
How Your Eyes Are Meant To Be Used
Every day your eyes are naturally and continuously exercised by merely looking at, focusing on and
following anything that moves through your field of vision. Looking at things far away allows your eyes
to relax. Looking at things up close causes them to contract. Unfortunately, many modern-day activities
demand that you “hold” your eyes at close distance for prolonged periods, forcing them to overwork. Over
time, this chronic stress causes the muscles in and around the eyes to become cramped, decreasing your
vision fitness. Imagine a daily 10-minute vision training program specifically designed to strengthen your
vision skills needed for high-level performance in the classroom, on the playing field and on the job. When
your eyes are working at their maximum potential, your performance on all levels is optimized.
What Makes The EYEPORT
II Unique?
The significant difference between the EYEPORT
II and all prior approaches to vision training is its
innovative use of alternating red and blue lights. Due to the scientifically documented phenomenon known
as chromatic aberration, the eyes naturally increase their focus when looking at red light and decrease
their focus when looking at blue light. The focusing system works hand in hand with the aiming system.
Anything that affects one system automatically affects the other. Since viewing red and blue light creates
opposing effects in the eyes, alternately looking at these colors creates a rocking action that stimulates
and relaxes the eye’s aiming and focusing mechanisms. By using alternating red and blue lights in a
vision training program, you are able to effectively train your eyes in a way never previously done.