• When the exercise is over, close your eyes and breathe until you hear the 2 beeps indicating it’s time
to begin the next exercise.
• Now repeat the same procedure with the EYEPORT
II in both diagonal positions, remembering to
reverse the glasses between exercises. After completing this session with the EYEPORT
II in all
four positions, turn off the unit.
• Once you are able to do this procedure easily, you may consider increasing the speed. As your skill
level increases, you may also wish to use Random Program.
Photocopy these healthy vision habits and post them in an area you regularly look at to remind you to
make healthy vision habits a daily practice. Feel free to provide copies to your family and friends.
Throughout The Day
1. Take at least 20 “one-minute vision breaks” during each day. During these vision breaks, close your
eyes. Bring your attention to your breath. Breathe deeply and notice how your chest rises and falls. If
your mind wanders, just bring your attention gently back to your breath.
2. While doing your vision training, allow your eyes to move as a reflex action, instead of mentally trying to
anticipate the movement of the light.
3. Remember to breathe, blink and look softly throughout the day.
While Working, Reading And Studying
1. When possible, do not wear your distance prescription lenses while reading or working at the computer.
2. Try not to read, study or work at the computer for longer than fifteen minutes without taking a quick
break. During your break, look out a window or up at a distant object, allowing it to come into focus. If
possible, get up and just walk around for a minute or two.
3. Make sure you have good lighting while reading or studying. Whenever possible use natural or
full-spectrum lighting.
4. Have your desk facing into a room or out of a window. Remember to take frequent breaks to look off
into the distance while working.
5. Choose a chair that does not limit movement. Your feet should be flat on the floor and pointing
straight ahead.
6. When you read, make sure that you are seated in a comfortable chair with your back erect.
Poor posture often leads to holding reading material too close.