Suggestions After Week 12
1. Now that you have completed the 12 suggested weekly training schedules, you may wish to consider:
• Designing a daily program that specifically works on strengthening your weakest areas. For instance,
if you have the most difficulty doing the far-near exercise, consider spending an entire session working
on just that exercise.
• Sitting closer or further away from the unit while training in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal
positions. As you move closer to the unit, you begin to gently expand your awareness. As you
move farther from the unit, you begin developing greater fine-motor control. Remember, your
distance from the unit should always remain the same when doing the far-near exercise (See page 14).
• Designing your own training. Here is an example:
2. If you are an athlete, consider doing the far-near exercise while holding the unit by the tripod and point-
ing it in the direction where your eyes must work most accurately. For example, if you’re a golfer, set a
ball on the ground and position yourself as if you’re going to drive or putt the ball. Then, program the
unit and hold it with both hands by the tripod, as if it were your golf club. Now, do the far-near exercise in
that position, while creating an imaginary straight line between your eyes, the unit and the ball.
3. Once you are able to comfortably work with all three programs at various different speed settings, try
using each program with the changeable speed option.
Expanding Peripheral Awareness
- This exercise is only done with the EYEPORT
II oriented in
the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal positions. Begin with alternating program, speed 2 and auditory
setting on. Put on the red/blue glasses with the red filter over the right eye, and sit approximately 4
feet from the unit.
• Once the unit is programmed and oriented horizontally, you will hear 3 beeps until the exercise begins.
Now, focus only on the center of the EYEPORT
II (where the control panel is located), breathe gently
and just notice the lights as they alternately turn on to the right and left of where you’re looking.
• When the exercise is over, close your eyes and breathe until you hear the 2 beeps indicating it’s time
to begin the next exercise.
• Now, place the device in the vertical position and reverse the glasses so the red filter is over the left eye
and start again. After the 3 beeps, focus once again on the center of the EYEPORT
II. Now, breathe
gently and just notice the lights as they alternately turn on above and below the point you’re looking at.
a). After selecting the sequential program, speed settings 1 or 2 and auditory feedback, position your unit
in the horizontal position.
b). When the exercise begins, alternately shift your focus from the light on your unit to a target way off
in the distance and then back again to the next light that comes on.
c). Continue alternating back and forth, looking at distance, then near and then distance again.
d). You can also do this with your unit positioned to do the far-near exercise. To do so, alternate your
focus from the light on your unit to a target far away and then back again to the next light that comes on.