ATIS TOP - Fancier
Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
13.3 Check: System
Attention: As long as the function check system is active, no pigeons can be registrated!
Therefore be cautious to apply this function during a race!
The increasing row of points in the bottom line of the display indicates that a test is going
After the end of the system test the result will be displayed (now the pigeons are again
registered in the background):
The following data is displayed (in several lines):
Serial number: (SNr)
The serial number internally stored in the ATIS-TOP is
displayed. It should correspond with the serial number of the
type label at the back of the device.
RAM-memory: (RAM)
Is used for temporary storage of data, such as system data,
interim results, etc. These data are only saved as long as the
device is supplied with electricity. If the RAM-memory is all
right the display will show
“, if not it`ll show
FLASH-memory: (FLASH) Is used for longer storage of data such as lists of arrived ,
associated and registered pigeons, of races, of results, etc.
These data are saved for a period of up to 10 years even in
the case of a power failure. If the FLASH-memory is all right,
the display will show
if not it`ll show
* * s y s t e m t e s t * *
t e s t i n g
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* * s y s t e m t e s t * *
S N r : 1 2 3 4 5 6
R A M : O K F L A S H : O K
q u i t
Status of the RAM-memory test
Serial number of the device
Status of the FLASH memory test