ATIS TOP - Fancier
Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
12.1 Erase: Race
Mind: Races in progress resp. open races cannot be erased.
Calling the option
in the sub-menu
you get the following display:
With the two cursor keys you can select within the list of race numbers the particular
number that is to be erased. The line with the current race number is flashing and in
addition there is a horizontal arrow on the left pointing at it.
: Only races that can be erased are indicated, i.e. races that have already been closed
(printed out) at the club.
Using the cursor key
you get back to the previous display.
Using the cursor key
the currently flashing race number is selected for deletion. For
confirmation you`ll hear a short beep and the following question will appear:
r a c e n u m b e r
r a c e n u m b e r 0 1
r a c e n u m b e r 0 2
q u i t d e l e t e