ATIS TOP - Fancier
Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
4.1 Loft
Make sure that the loft antenna is not installed above a closed metal surface as this could
harmfully influence the reading out the chip-code-ring.
For that reason there should be a minimum distance of 6cm between the bottom edge of
the antenna and a metal surface. No distance, however, is required from the antenna to
small metal parts such as screws, nails or metal bars. When several antennae are installed
side by side a minimum distance of about 100 cm is required.
The antenna is to be installed in such a way that it is flush with a possibly underlying board.
It may even stick out a bit towards the loft. This measure forces the pigeons passing the
antenna to hop away from the edge of the antenna towards the interior of the loft.
The antenna cable connecting the ATIS-TOP to the antennae may have a length of up to a
maximum of 500 m if the transformer supplies sufficient voltage. Mind that it should not be
run in the vicinity of sources of interference such as fluorescent tubes or engines.
Before fixing the antenna at the club please insert the antenna cable properly at the
underside of the antenna, press it into the cable mount and lead it to the outside through
the gap in the housing.
This cable passage must be run in direction of the loft.
Make absolutely sure that the outlet and the plug don`t get wet and that the loft antenna
doesn`t stand in water.
4.2 Fixing
If several loft antennae are installed their serial numbers (on the underside of the antenna)
should be noted together with the installation place. The antenna is fixed at the club with 4
resp. 6 screws. After installation of the loft antenna the Betric blend is to be installed as