Operator Data
OmniaMOD-V2 has a multilevel password structure. Administrators have
full access and can authorize the access level of the operators. One or two
administrator levels are advised (the new installation has only the adminis-
trator level) in order to avoid system breakdowns or major data loss, due to
inappropriate actions made by the operators. Fill in the operator data and
authorized actions in this menu. At the end of the operation, it is necessary
to enter the password (twice).
The program differentiates small and capital letters.
The Control Station can manage two printers (in which case two LPT ports
are required). Set the Log Printer first.
Printer Port
Indicate the parallel port to which the printer for real-time printouts is con-
nected (generally LPT1).
Lines per Page
72 for normal A4 page.
Symbol Set PC-8
Select "NO" (select "YES" for Slovenia only).
Log Printer On
Select "YES" to switch automatically to the real-time printer on program
Stop while
Printing Rep.
Select "YES" if the real-time printout is to stop in order to printout the re-
Header Text
Text which is added in the header of the log printouts.
In next window set the Report Printer. In the case of only one printer also
Printer Port
to LPT1. In the case of two printers set
Printer Port
In this menu it is possible to select and set the colours for each type of
event and menu text.
Central Station
By selecting the "Central Station" command the following windows appear.