Technical Documentation
KSR-V – Capacitor-Bank Protection Relay
Rev. 05
5.5.2 Submenu "setup
Select one of the submenu entries with the arrow-keys ("
" and "
") and activate it by pressing the "
" key.
The "
" key will switch back to the "setup" menu.
The "parameter" submenu allows the changing of the following parameters:
vt ratio:
This sets the device to work with a voltage measurement transformer. Enter the transformer
ratio here. If no transformer is used and the KSR-V is directly connected for voltage measurement,
enter factor 1. The range is 1 - 4000.
thermic tau:
This sets the damping time constant for the Vth values. The range is 1 second up to
3600 seconds (1 hour). The default value is 300 seconds (5 min). The entered value is the time
constant of the exponential damping function. The value is calculated as follows:
value(t)=value(t=0)*(1-exp(-t/tau)), where tau is the time constant.
display contrast:
Here, display contrast can be adjusted by repeated use of the "+" and "-" keys.
The value is stored immediately, so it will be used automatically with the next device start.
5.5.3 Submenu "setup
This submenu is only enabled if the regulator is equipped with the optionally Modbus interface. If this option
is not existing, "unused" is displayed.
The navigation in this submenu is done with the key "
". The following settings are possible:
By pushing the "+"-keys (left key fast/ right key slow) it is possible to adjust the slave
address (slave ID). The valid range is between 1 and 247.
The baud rate can be selected by pushing the "+"-key. The valid range is between 1200
and 38400.
The parity can be selected by pushing the "+"-key. The following settings are possible: even,
odd and none.
The settings for baud rate and parity must be the same for all bus devices. The address must be unique for
each device.