Remember if you need help contact Customer Care: 1+ (619) 449-2392
Step 2:
Turn Planter Finial over.
(Bottom side up.)
Step 3:
If already installed re-
move Rubber Plug from Planter
Step 1:
Lift the Bird Feeder
bowl out of the Planter Finial.
Remove the Bird seed from the
Bird Feeder bowl.
Step 6:
Insert Foam Ring into the
large opening in the center of the
planter. Ensure the top flat edge of
Foam Ring (arrow) is flush with the
top of the large opening in the cen-
ter of the planter. This foam plug
prevents over watering of planter.
Step 7:
Fill Planter with your
favorite soil.
Step 5:
Insert Foam Center Plug
into the Foam Ring. This foam plug
prevents over watering of planter.
Step 4:
Turn Planter Finial over. (Top
side up.)
Step 8:
Plant your choice of plants.
Lightly press soil around the center.
Do not press too firmly otherwise the
Foam Ring will descend down on top
of the fountain pump outlet which will
prevent water flow.
At this point, your Fountain should look like
the image on the right. You are now finished
installing the Planter,/Bird Feeder/Vanishing
Edge Bowl. Turn on your Fountain and enjoy!
Planter Installation
To prepare as the Bowl as a Self-Watering Planter ensure that the smaller rubber
plug is NOT installed. The small hole is where the planter gets water.