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For the next step, you will
install the fountain tier into
the large bowl. Rest the
fountain tier on the side of
the large bowl.
If your fountain came with the water pump disconnected from the tube inside of
the fountain tier, refer to page 21 for instructions on how to connect the water
pump to the fountain tier.
If the cables slip out
of the rubber stopper, you
can press the cables into the
slot in the side of the rubber
stopper. Maneuver the cord
to fit snugly inside the hole
that is located in the center
of the rubber stopper.
Step 2:
Firmly press the plug
into the pipe in the middle of
the Large Bowl.
If you are having trouble
pressing the plug into the
pipe, you can rub a small
amount of soapy water
on the plug to help it slide
into place.
Step 3:
To ensure that you
have a good seal, make
sure the plug fits snugly as
pictured above.
Step 1:
Feed the Water Pump cord down
the pipe. The cord will be connected to the
Connection Port at a later step.