About this document
This document shows the necessary information to do these tasks on the Smart Bell
Panorama 73/52 MF:
• Installation
• Maintenance
This document refers to the Smart Bell Panorama 73/52 MF as 'the appliance'. This
document is an essential part of your appliance. Read it carefully before you do work on
the appliance. Keep it in a safe place.
The original instructions of the document are in English. All other language versions of
the document are translations of the original instructions. It is not always possible to
provide a detailed illustration of every single item of the equipment. The illustrations in
this document show a typical setup. The illustrations are for instructional use only.
How to work with this document
1. Make yourself familiar with the structure and content of the document.
2. Read the safety chapter in detail.
3. Make sure that you understand all the instructions.
4. Do the procedures completely and in the given sequence.
Warnings and cautions used in this document
If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk that can cause personal injury or
If you do not obey these instructions, there is a risk of damage to the equipment or to
A note shows more information.
Visual sign that there is a hazard
Visual sign that there is a notice
Related documentation
• Preparation manual
• Installation and maintenance manual
• User manual
About this document
Smart Bell Panorama 73/52