Vortex Flowmeter
Date:24/04/2020 User’s Manual
41 / 59
Byte 5-8: Primary variable lower range limit, IEEE 754
Byte 0: Primary variable upper and lower range value unit code
Byte 1-4: Primary variable upper range limit, IEEE 754
Byte 5-8: Primary variable lower range limit, IEEE 754
Test of command:
Send command 35: FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 23 09 13 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 02;
Write primary variable range values
Receive command 35: FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 23 0B 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 04
7.1.17 Command 36: Write primary variable upper limit value
Command formate:
Write the primary variable upper limit to current primary variable value. The change of primary
variable upper limit value has no effect on the primary variable lower limit.
Test of command:
Send command 36: FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 24 00 1F; Write the primary variable
upper limit to current primary variable value.
Receive command 36: FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 24 02 00 00 19
7.1.18 Command 37: Write primary variable lower limit value
Command formate:
Write the primary variable lower limit to current primary variable value. The change of primary
variable lower limit value has no effect on the primary variable higher limit.