Vortex Flowmeter
Date:24/04/2020 User’s Manual
11 / 59
3.1 Wiring for 5-terminal board
3.1.1 Wiring for 3 wire pulse output
3-wire pulse output require a power source of 13.5~42VDC. VFM use a current pulse output with
50% duty ratio. If the pulse reciving instrument require voltate pulse, please add a resistor between
” and “V-”, the resistance should be within 500ohms~1000ohms, and power consumption should
be no less than 0.5W.
Please reference to picture 3.3 picture below for 3-wire pulse output wiring
Picture 3.3: 3-wire pulse output wiring
3.1.2 Wiring for 2 wire HART@4~20mA
When there is not temperate and pressure compensation and the power source is 24VDC, the max
load for 4~20mA analog is 500ohms. And when there is temperate and pressure compensation and
the power source is 24VDC, the max load for 4~20mA analog is 400ohms. When using a HART
communicater, please add a 250ohms load resistor
Picture 3.4 Wiring for 2 wire HART@4~20mA