Vortex Flowmeter
Date:24/04/2020 User’s Manual
40 / 59
Receive command 18:FF FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 12 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3A
7.1.14 Command 19: Write final assembly number
Command formate:
Write final assembly number
Byte 0-2: Final assembly number
Byte 0-2: Final assembly number
Test of command:
Send command 19: FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 13 03 01 02 03 2B ;
Receive command 19: FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 13 05 00 00 01 02 03 29
7.1.15 Command 34: Write primary variable damping value
Command formate:
Write primary variable damping value. If value is not acceptable, will revert with alarm.
Byte 0-3: Damping value, IEEE754
Byte 0-3: Actual damping value, IEEE754
Test of command:
Send command 34: FF FF FF FF FF 82 9A 1A AD 18 8C 22 04 40 00 00 00 5D; Write primary
variable damping value
Receive command 34: FF FF FF FF FF 86 9A 1A AD 18 8C 22 06 00 00 40 00 00 00 5B
7.1.16 Command 35: Write primary variable range values
Command formate:
The upper and lower limits of primary variable are independent. The primary variable range unit
value that this command received has no effect on the primary variable unit value. The primary value
range value will be returned in the unit received.
Most device allows that the measurement range upper limit lower than lower limit ,to support the
device to reverse output.
Byte 0: Primary variable upper and lower range value unit code
Byte 1-4: Primary variable upper range limit, IEEE 754