6/16 - Subject to change. © Belimo Air
), Inc
Quick Setup
Required "Settings" Parameters for All Confi gurations
1. ZIP Code US or Canada (sets the free cooling changeover high limit and
temperature units F/C)
a. When the Zip Code submenu is displayed enter “OK” to begin “US” Zip
Code parameterization. If “Canada” Postal Code is desired press the up/
down arrow to access.
Press OK to access digit 1 (fl ashing) then use the up/down arrow
to parameterize; enter OK when complete. Repeat until all digits
complete. If a mistake is made press “esc” and repeat from
ii. When all Zip Code or Postal Code digits are entered press
“esc” to move up a level then press the up/down arrow to access
next settings parameter.
2. Vent Min Pos (Outdoor Air Damper Ventilation Minimum Position)
a. When the “Vent Min Pos” submenu is displayed press “OK” to
(fl ashing).
b. Use the up/down arrow to parameterize, press “OK” when complete.
The actuator will immediately drive the damper to the minimum position.
3. Additional Parameters may require setting. The ZIP Economizer will auto-
detect added Devices such as a CO2 sensor etc. When the ZIP Economizer
detects a new device, it will prompt the user in the Status level; navigate to
Settings and parameterize blank fi elds. If the devices are connected upon
fi rst start up their settings will require parameterization then.
4. When all parameters have been set, the ZIP Economizer will show “Setup
Complete” if there are still parameters to set, there will be no action. You
can verify by pushing esc until status level is reached and it will display
“Setup Incomplete”. If this is the case, re-enter settings menu and use up
down arrows to fi nd the parameter with blank fi elds and parameterize as
described above.
you may enter parameters in any order - eg: Vent min Pos before
ZIP Code - If the RTU is a heat pump or uses a 2 speed indoor fan, these
paramaters should be enabled fi rst, otherwise the logic may go to Setup
Complete prematurely.
Service and Commissioning (Acceptance Test & Manual Mode)
Setup Complete - Initializing Automatic Mode
The ZIP Economizer has built in commissioning processes found in
Acceptance Test.
Economizer Test.
Use “Economizer Test” to verify RTU Integrated
Economizer operation. Navigate to the “Service and Commissioning” menu,
press “OK”; press the down arrow to access “Acceptance Test”. Press
OK again when “Economizer Test” appears. Press “OK” again to confi rm
running test. Follow prompts during test. This test will open damper
to 100%, enable power exhaust fan (if connected), enable 1st stage of
Mechanical Cooling, reverse this process and then drive to Vent Min
Position. When used with a Belimo actuator, the actuator will speed up to
reduce test time.
Manual Mode
is used to override outputs after entering a “Timeout”
Damper Scaling.
The test will re-scale the control signal range to
maximum resolution (0-100%) over the calibrated (reduced) angle. When
using a Belimo actuator, the actuator will speed up to reduce test time.
Failure to identify obstructions or improper setup of damper assembly
may result in an improper scaling and operation of the damper.)
Additional testing can be found on page 36 of this document.
1. When all entries have been completed, the ZIP Economizer will switch to
Status display and show “Setup Complete”, and will immediately show a
“Damper scaling starts in 10secs” and will countdown to 0 (
be aware,
at 0 the damper will start to move at high speed
) . A message will
scroll saying “Damper scaling for better operation if obstruction is present
rescale damper in commissioning menu”. (For detailed instructions on
this – please see the section “Service and Commissioning” below. This will
open damper to 100% (re-scale control signal if needed). (Note: failure to
identify obstructions or improper setup of damper assembly may result in
an improper scaling and operation of the damper.)
Once scaling is complete, a message will appear saying “Damper scaling
successful”. The ZIP will then show “maximum at 80° = 100%” That
message will show maximum rotation of the damper. This process ensures
the damper is always operating and displayed from 0-100%.
2. Once the message has appeared, the actuator immediately closes the
damper and a countdown begins, until the unit starts to operate in
Automatic Mode
(be aware, when countdown complete, the RTU
will respond to thermostat calls which may enable mechanical