“Later, when I’m grown up, I want to be a footballer!”, says Tim. “Oh, I’m no good at that, but I really
enjoy riding. And maybe one day I’ll be able to ride well enough to win a cup!”, says Sophia. “Oh yes, that
would be great”, they are both thinking. “I prefer going to the swimming baths”, Luke joins in. “Soon I’ll be
able to take my swimming test, and then I’ll swim so fast I’ll leave you all behind!” Then Anne speaks out:
“Drawing is much more fun than anything else – you can imagine whatever you like.” But they all agree:
whatever hobby you have, the main thing is to have fun.
Whether football, riding, swimming or drawing – every hobby makes friends. What is your hobby, and
what do you need for it? Using the dice with pips and symbols, the players move their figures over the
board in turn. As soon as they land on a field with motif, they check whether that motif can be assigned
to their particular hobby. The back of each motif shows a part of the relevant hobby scene, which can be
completed piece by piece.
The winner is the first player to complete his or her hobby puzzle.
Game preparation
Before playing the game, we recommend taking a look at the hobby template cards and the correspon
ding motifs on the wooden tiles, together with the children. Which motif belongs to which hobby? When
all the children are familiar with the materials, the game can begin.
Before starting the game, the board is placed in the middle of the table within easy reach of all the players.
The puzzle pieces are printed on both sides. One side shows the motif which has to be assigned to a
hobby. The other side shows a part of the scene depicting the hobby.
Lay the puzzle pieces, motif uppermost, in the recesses around the edges of the game board, so that the
parts of scenes on the reverse sides are hidden. These pieces inserted into the board represent the fields
players can land on. The outlines printed on the game board help the puzzle pieces to be distributed
correctly on the board.
Matching the motifs with
the outlines on the game board
Now each player can select a hobby, and is given the template card showing the scene for that hobby, and
the appropriate game figure.
On each side of the game board there is a coloured flag. These mark the starting-
points for the players. Each player places his or her figure on the same-coloured
25530 Hobby
Front: Motif
Back: Hobby scene