8 / EN
Hood / User Manual
3.1 Hood operation
The hood is intended for sucking in the vapours
during the meals cooking. The device may work in
two modes:
As the extracting hood: the vapours are extracted
from the premise through the withdrawal tube.
The withdrawal tube is not supplied with the de-
vice, and should be acquired separately.
The shortest possible vapours
evacuating channel shall be used.
Use the flue pipe with maximally
smooth internal surface (the use
of Spiro type pipes is not recom-
Use the flue channel with as low
number of bends as possible (the
bending angles shall not exceed
The changes in flue channel sec-
tions are not advised (from higher
section to lower section, for ex-
ample the change from Ø150 mm
to Ø120 mm).
As the absorber: the vapours are cleaned from fat
and odours, before they are returned back to the
premise through the grills in the top part of the
chimney body. To make the hood work in the ab-
sorber mode, install the coal filter
(Fig.10). The coal filter is not included in the stand-
ard equipment, and should be acquired separately.
3.2 Hood operation control
The hood is equipped with the mechanical control
– hood fan switched off
- hood fan switched on, with mini-
mum speed
- hood fan switched on with medium
- hood fan switched with maximum
The higher speed means the higher air circulation.
Button switches the light on. To switch the
life off, press the button one more time.