Step 11 Reset the grand total to zero
Before completing commissioning the
grand total counter should be reset to
zero. Select 'CLr. Gtot' from the main
menu and press P which will cause the
instrument to display 'Clr. no'. Toggle
this to 'CLr. YES' using the Up or Down
push-buttons and press P which will
result in a '0000' prompt. Using the Up,
and Down buttons and the P button to
move to the next digit, confirm the
request by entering the password
'SurE'. Note: S is entered as 5.
Pressing E will then reset the grand
total counter to zero and return the
instrument to the 'CLr. Gtot' prompt in
the main menu.
Step 12 Define the security code
Defining a security code prevents
unauthorised access to the programme
functions. Select 'COdE' from the
main menu and press P which will
reveal the existing security code. Using
the Up and Down buttons enter the new
code 1209 digit by digit. The P button
will transfer control between digits.
When the new code has been entered,
press E to return to the main
programme menu.
Step 13 Return to the display mode
Following completion of programming
and calibration, return the BA338C to
the operating mode by pressing E. All
the programming functions will now be
stored in permanent memory and will
be protected from accidental or
unauthorised adjustment by the
security code.