Loader arm
Type: WLA60
Version: 1
July 2019
Page 2 van 23
Becx Machines B.V.
De Sonman 35
5066 GJ Moergestel
Tel: +31 (0)13-207 07 60
[email protected]
© Copyright 2019
Nothing in this publication may be reproduced and/or made public in any form by print, photocopy,
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from Becx Machines B.V.
Becx Machines B.V. reserves the right to modify parts of the system, including the contents of this
manual, at any moment, without prior or direct notification to the buyer.
Although Becx Machines B.V. has taken the greatest care to make sure that individual parts have
been described correctly and in full where necessary, it accepts no liability for damage as a result of
inaccuracies or incompleteness of this manual.