Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 2.1
Startup list
Changes in the local CoE list of the terminal are lost if the terminal is replaced. If a terminal is re-
placed with a new Beckhoff terminal, it will have the default settings. It is therefore advisable to link
all changes in the CoE list of an EtherCAT slave with the Startup list of the slave, which is pro-
cessed whenever the EtherCAT fieldbus is started. In this way a replacement EtherCAT slave can
automatically be parameterized with the specifications of the user.
If EtherCAT slaves are used which are unable to store local CoE values permanently, the Startup
list must be used.
Recommended approach for manual modification of CoE parameters
• Make the required change in the System Manager
The values are stored locally in the EtherCAT slave
• If the value is to be stored permanently, enter it in the Startup list.
The order of the Startup entries is usually irrelevant.
Fig. 26:
Startup list in the TwinCAT System Manager
The Startup list may already contain values that were configured by the System Manager based on the ESI
specifications. Additional application-specific entries can be created.
Online/offline list
While working with the TwinCAT System Manager, a distinction has to be made whether the EtherCAT
device is "available", i.e. switched on and linked via EtherCAT and therefore
, or whether a
configuration is created
without connected slaves.
In both cases a CoE list as shown in Fig.
“’CoE online’ tab”
is displayed. The connectivity is shown as offline/
• If the slave is offline
◦ The offline list from the ESI file is displayed. In this case modifications are not meaningful or
◦ The configured status is shown under Identity.
◦ No firmware or hardware version is displayed, since these are features of the physical device.
is shown in red.