Manual, BWL-100.doc
– BWL-100
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) incorporated Commercial Standard CS202-56 into its
mass of regulation [29 CFR 1910.6(j)(1)], which instituted design and performance requirements on Dock Leveling
Devices. However, the Dept. of Commerce (DoC) withdrew CS202-56 in 1980 and replaced it with ANSI MH30.1-2000.
The DoC also recommends ANSI MH29.1 as a source of instructions about industrial scissor lift operation. MH29.1 is
the appropriate choice in this case, because our BWL-100 series of products are industrial scissor tables.
Safe operation is the responsibility of the operator according to ANSI MH29.1, Section 5. In addition to
the instructions that appear in this manual, ALL end-users of this product should refer to ANSI MH29.1 for information
regarding owner/operator responsibilities for safe operation, care, and maintenance. To reduce the likelihood that
personal injuries might occur as a result of using this product, each person who might install, use, or maintain this
product must understand and follow these recommendations:
Do not exceed the maximum rated load (capacity). Permanent damage to the lift or injury to personnel could
result from exceeding the listed capacity.
Keep all personnel clear of the scissor dock when it is in operation.
Never use the scissor dock if any damage or unusual noise is observed, if it is in need of repairs, or if it seems to
be malfunctioning. Notify your supervisor or maintenance personnel if you notice anything out of the ordinary.
Check the operation of the perimeter pinch point guards daily. Do not use the lift if the aluminum frame bars of
the guard are bent or if the circuit does not function.
DO NOT use the lift unless all labels are readable. Contact Beacon for replacement labels as necessary.
The standard model scissor dock is suitable for use indoors or outdoors in most industrial and commercial
locations. It is intended to be used to raise and lower material handlers such as fork trucks and pallet jacks to allow
freight to be loaded and unloaded from semi trailers.
Keep all personnel clear of the lift when it is in operation. Be certain no part of any person or object is under
any part of the lift before lowering the platform.
The load rating, in pounds, is shown on the machine dataplate located on the bevel of the bridge plate end of the
platform. It indicates the net capacity of the scissor dock with a static load that is centered and evenly distributed on
the platform.
Consult ANSI MH29.1, Section 3 for loading definitions.
When not fully lowered, the lift’s maximum single axle load is roughly 65% of the rated capacity for side loading, and
75% for end loading. The actual axle capacities (The hydraulic hose and bridge plates are at the lift’s “ends.”)
In the fully lowered position, cross-traffic loads must not exceed two times the platform’s load rating.
Do not exceed a rate of two feet per second when moving loads across the platform.
Note: Ancillary equipment reduces the maximum rated load of the dock scissor lift. If you or a third party adds after-
market features to the scissor lift, you must recalculate the maximum rated load. To do so, subtract the total weight
of all equipment added to the scissor dock from the maximum rated load (capacity).
Inspect the perimeter pinch point guards’ operation daily.
Caution: Always carefully watch the platform and any load on it when the lift is in operation.
The scissor dock is furnished with a constant-pressure (dead-man style) pushbutton control on a coil cord.
Pressing the “UP” pushbutton will turn on the power unit to raise the platform. The platform will raise only
while the control is pressed. Upon releasing the control, the platform will stop and hold its position.
Pressing the “DOWN” pushbutton will energize the lowering valve to allow the platform to descend by gravity
(the motor does not run). Releasing the control button, or the operation of the pinch point guard, will stop the
platform movement and the unit will hold its position.
To lower the platform in the event of a malfunction or power outage, remove the power unit cover and locate
the colored, knurled knob on the end of the lowering valve. Be certain there are no obstructions or personnel under
the lift! Push the knob in, twist the knob counterclockwise 180°, and release it. When the platform has been
lowered, push the knob in again, twist the knob clockwise 180°, and release it.
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Beacon Industries, Inc.