Preventive Maintenance
Manual 41394
SIGMA Spectrum Infusion System
Revision A
Preventive Maintenance
Pump Operation Tests
The Pump operation tests include:
Downstream (Distal) Occlusion Sensor
Upstream (Proximal) Occlusion Sensor
Gravimetric or Volumetric Flow Rate Accuracy
Air Detection
Test Setup
To prepare the Pump for testing:
The IV sets being used for testing the Pump must be compatible with the Pump
under test. The proper IV set calibration is listed on the label located on the top of
the Pump.
Do not use IV sets that include backcheck valves when performing preventive
maintenance tests.
Do not use IV sets that include mini drip chambers when performing preventive
maintenance tests.
The IV container needs to be collapsible or vented to the atmosphere.
If the Pump is being tested for accuracy following a clinical problem, it is essential to
use an IV set of the same catalog number and lot number as that in use when the
problem occurred.