sound at the gas tap.
Note the time when the sound is heard.
An electromagnetic valve shutting off
the gas supply through the tap causes this sound. The valve is located in the body of the tap. The valve
should operate
within 60 seconds of the pilot going out.
If the valve does not operate within this
time limit do not allow the appliance to be used until the fault has been corrected.
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This monitoring system must not be adjusted, bypassed or put out of operation. This monitoring
system, or any of its parts, must only be exchanged using Baxi Fires Division authorised parts.
10.3 Final commissioning.
Visually inspect the appliance. Clean off any marks incurred during installation.
Hand this guide to the customer.
Stress that no extra ceramic fuel effect pieces must be added over and above those supplied
with the appliance and that any replacements must only be authorised spares. Warn that
ignoring this advice could cause incomplete clearance of the products of combustion with
consequent health hazards.
Advise the customer how to operate the appliance. Point out that lighting instruction details are
contained within the owner guide.
Explain that this appliance is fitted with an atmosphere-sensing device, ODS pilot unit that will
automatically shut off the supply of gas to the fire if, for any reason, the flames go out. It will also shut
off the gas supply if the flue is blocked or if there is not enough ventilation. If this device does operate
or if the fire is turned off accidentally or intentionally, always wait three minutes before attempting to
Advise the customer that the fire front and ceramic pieces can be cleaned as described in the owner
guide and that the ceramic pieces must be replaced as described in that guide.
Recommend that the appliance should be serviced and the chimney inspected by a competent person
at least annually.
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Always turn off the gas supply before commencing any servicing (The appliance inlet 'T' connector
incorporates an isolating valve).
It is recommended that, at least once a year, the appliance is disconnected and the fireplace opening
checked and cleared of any debris.
This product uses fuel effect pieces containing Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF), which are man-made
vitreous silicate fibres. Excessive exposure to these materials may cause irritation to eyes, skin and
respiratory tract. Consequently, it is important to take care when handling these articles to ensure that
the release of dust is kept to a minimum. To ensure that the release of fibres from these RCF articles
is kept to a minimum, during installation and servicing we recommend that you use a HEPA filtered
vacuum to remove any dust and soot accumulated in and around the fire before and after working on
the fire. When replacing these articles we recommend that the replaced items are not broken up, but
are sealed within a heavy duty polythene bag, clearly labelled as RCF waste. This is not classified as
"hazardous waste" and may be disposed of at a tipping site licensed for the disposal of industrial
waste. Protective clothing is not required when handling these articles, but we recommend you follow
the normal hygiene rules of not smoking, eating or drinking in the work area and always wash your
hands before eating or drinking.
Check that the appliance is clean and that soot or debris is not blocking the gaps between the ceramic
fuel effect pieces causing an imperfect flame.
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